Some people may say "this is not necessary". I say "your an idiot". OK, maybe not an idiot just a dummy! This LED dashboard gear indicator is one of my favorite features on the Qlink XF200. In this photo the "N" indicates the transmission is in neutral.
I use it CONSTANTLY. I use it to tell me when I am in neutral at stop lights so I can be sure I can let out my clutch without bucking the machine and stalling out, I use it when I am coming out of a turn onto another street to be sure I am not in too high of a gear, I use it when "splitting lanes" on the highway or in heavy city traffic to feel more secure in maintaining control (splitting lanes only legal in California FYI).
It comes in handy at all times when riding and saves a lot of avoidable abuse and wear and tear on the power train. Not to mention, this is a major benefit to beginners for obvious reasons. The xf200 is my first street motorcycle. This feature was/is so beneficial to me I felt it was long overdue for a mention in the XF200 Blog.